Wednesday 8 January 2014

RCS: The Advice

Hey there again,
I just wanted to write this as a kinda P.S to my original post on my RCS audition and give you some advice if you are applying there this time round.
1. Don't be ill - You may laugh but the illness seemed to be my downfall yesterday. My advice would be for all prior auditions at least a week before the audition take extra care of yourself i.e. drink plenty of water and have eat fresh fruit and veg if and when you can.
2. Make sure all paper work is completed - As yesterday I didn't have a form filled in which everyone else had done online. Apparently it had come on the email we had been sent but on double checking mine I found it hidden between a lot of useless text in the email so I guess I had that going against me as well.
3. When it comes to the interview, be honest. But practice it. - You may be thinking "well how can an honest answer be practiced" believe me it can. Give yourself 20 mins writing down all the questions that you would ask if you were interviewing someone for a top drama school place. Ask for other people's advice and if you can't think of anything I would recommend using the Drama UK website as a basis of what they might ask.
4. Above all, know you're pieces and keep them fresh - Yeah it's brilliant if you can say both of you're monologues backwards in you're sleep but what is the point if they are as flat as paper. Keep the pace going with them by practicing in different places and colouring different words every so often just so it does not get boring.
5. Practice sight reading - If you end up being a lucky bugger and getting recalled then you will have to do some sight reading. My tips with sight reading would be to always have you're thumb in line with the line you are reading, therefore if you get lost then at least you have some idea of where you are in the piece. also make sure that you look up a minimum of three times when doing the sight reading so that you are telling a story to the audience (i.e. the panel.)

All I can say now is good luck and 6. ENJOY IT!
Terri ;D

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