Thursday 2 January 2014

2014... shit.

Hello people.
So after partially recovering from New Years Eve and THAT Sherlock episode. Skip that, have NOT recovered from that Sherlock episode, espesh the Molly and Moriarty snog with Sherlock. Plus the hair ruffle... #dies
I have realised something, we are in 2014. Now the year itself is not shocking (except from the fact that scientists have only ONE YEAR to make the hover skateboard we all saw in Back to the Future...) It is the fact that I have all my final A level exams in 5/6 months and - with that - the end of my academic education... WOW that is weird.
(Why am I using so many capital letters?)
This will mean that in the year 2014 will mark the end of 14 years in the education system, and may I ask. What have I learnt? Not much really except many useless things and facts.
What is also shocking is that I have approximately three days to prepare for my two auditions which I have next week. Although saying this I am at an excitable calm level at the moment. Mainly because I know the monologues, I know the characters and I know the stories very well. What I didn't know at the beginning of today was that I had not posted off my practical reference to the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland; and the audition is on Tuesday. This therefore lead me to have a half an hour panic in trying to find the reference, find an envelope plus stamp then send it off to them. (Fingers crossed that I have written down the address correctly.)
Once that shenanigans was over I started practicing the pieces over and over until I had them just right.
All I need to do now is sort out my time table and the clothes I'm going to wear but basically, I'm sorted.
Can't say that about the rest of my life but hey ho whatevs sister.
See ya xoxoxoxox (god I feel like I'm in bloody gossip girl doing the xox thang.)
Terri ;D

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