Monday 6 January 2014

Manchester Met Audition: Night Before Nerves...

Soooooooo, I've got my Manchester Met Drama School audition tomorrow.
Not because I'm not prepared.  But because I'm so prepared that I now have nothing else to do except do it. (Queue "Like a virgin", thanks Mdna.)
Here I am, sat in bed. Shaking like Shakira's hips. And no not in the "perfecto" way she does.
I am now sick of my pieces after practicing them so many times so there ain't no way I'll be doing them again until tomorrow.
Need to sleep, yet cannot. Need to drink, yet cba going to get one.
Very glad that the audition is in the afternoon, means I get a decent lie in while everyone else my age has to go to college at ridiculous o'clock in the morrow.
Right, I've decided what to do. I will keep on reading blogs and eat chocolate until I fall asleep out of boredom.
Wish me luck! (For the Audition, not the blog reading.)
Terri ;D x

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