Monday 20 January 2014

12 Years A Slave Movie: Review

Why hello there.
Today is not my day, I can feel it in my bones. Especially because I am having to use my college laptop to write this and not my Mac, which incidentally I spilt a load of water on in the night and therefore is not working... Oppps. Thank fuck for warranties. But it looks like for the time being that I'm going to have to squint at the tiny screen and whack it every time it decides to freeze.
However I was not wanting to use this post as a general moan about my life. No.
Like I said many months ago as a potential actress it is important for me to see what is being produced in the industry at the mo. And with the Oscar season coming up boy are there some god dam good films to see right now!
So on Wednesday I went to see 12 Years A Slave with my dad.
If you are going to see it, a little bit of advice. Be prepared to be shocked. Because seriously, this film does not pretty up some of the horrific things that happened during the slave trading years.
With a full on all star cast it was bound to be good with the likes of Benedict Cumberbatch, Michael Fassbender showing off their extraordinary talent's.
The film takes you through the life of a black musician Samuel Northup when he is tricked into going from his home in New York to Washington where he is kidnapped and taken down south and sold into slavery.
The story is brutal, cruel, and a real eye opener into the lives of the black slaves during those times.
I loved it, the movie was superb. Simple yet effective.
I would completely recommend to anyone that you go see this movie, it is utterly brilliant and fingers crossed that they get plenty of Oscars as it really does deserve it.

I rate it 9.5/10.

In other news, RADA audition and National Youth Theatre is in a month!!! So excited and nervous for both.

But for now, cheerio
Terri ;D

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