Thursday 9 January 2014

A Mix of News Overall...

So today, as you might of guessed from the title has been what I would call a extreme mix of emotions day. So where do I start off.

The Bad News:
1. I have been rejected from MMU for this year. - Of course this is the most gutting news, especially since I received it on a bus therefore no where to run and cry in a corner. This may be a good thing as if I do want to be a Actor I need to grit my teeth and continue through the course of it all. But even the most hard hearted of us all would be a little gutted to be rejected from two of you're top three choices in one week. (Tip 7. Remember to space out favourite places to avoid this in future.) However I must carry on because I want it so bad.
2. It is that time of the month. - Yeah maybe this is too much information for you but it has not helped matters of the above by making me extra emotional then I would usually be.

The kinda in the middle news:
1. I got a D in my politics mock. - It's kinda bad because a D is not a brilliant grade to get in any A2 mocks. But then it's kind good because a) I really struggle with exams therefore this is a really good baseline for me and b) It is not a fail which is rather excellent.
2. I got my report on the dyslexic assessment that was carried out on me. - This is neither good or bad, it's just informative on how my brain works, which I have never understood and probably never fully will.

The Good News: :D
1. I got an A* in my Textiles mock, which I have to say I am immensely chuffed about this news. I have never got such a good grade in a mock before and I have to admit it took the pressure slightly off my thinking that I would be seriously struggling when we came up to April and May.
2. I have decided what I want to do for my Birthday (18th eeek!) I am going to on my Birthday have a Harry Potter Drinking Game with all my friends and have a Dominoes (which I can never afford therefore I am treating myself in the big event.) and THEN a week later I get to go to the Harry Potter Studios!!!!!!!!! I am so excited I cannot believe I will have that privilege of going to the halls which graced so many of our best actors.
3. My Drama Centre email has come through so I can now book the day of the audition. I have been looking forward to that audition as it is based within Central Saint Martins and it would be the ultimate thing to study along side all the arts students!

^So yeah, for a day of getting news it has been big. Fact.
I am now going to gloat at being a A* potential student and cheer myself up my buying loads of new books online after the rejections ;'( . But I do love a new book, which believe me is a rare thing for a Official dyslexic and dyspraxic student to say.

Now adios,
Terri ;D

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