Monday 6 January 2014

Manchester Met: The Audition!

Hey guys.
So today I've just done my initial audition for Manchester Met (or actually Manchester School of Theatre). It was rather fun and I deffinatley would not mind getting a recall there.
So now I'm just going to have to tell you how the day went.
After being woken up at ridiclous times by family members this morning wishing me good luck I ended up waking fully at 10:45, giving me only 20 mins before I had to get the bus (Dun dun duuuuuuun). After shaking my cats off I peged it off out and just managed to run like Forest Gump to catch the bus and get on the train. Hair and Make up done on the train I stepped out of the station to find tyrancial rain and wind. Brilliant the second bad omen of the day.
Still I plodded on to the University (I'm so glad that I live in Manchester and know my way round quite well or I probbably would of got so confused and lost.) And had plenty of time to nip and get some water and chocolate from the local Tesco and answer another call from my mum, wishing me again good luck - making me feel like I needed it -  as I headed to the school.
Now my only negative comment about the school is that it reminds me of my old high school with the low celings and weird spaces. I registred and went into the room where I was directed into and saw about twenty other young shaking individuals. Thankfully unlike my Guildhall audition there were more guys then girls and there were not many my age.
Finnaly after many minitues of small talk we were ushered into a large white drama room where we were introduced to the people conducting the audition.
We started with a warm up which I found pretty intense after such a lazy holiday season, but thankfully so did many others by the looks of it so I didnt feel too bad. After about 30 mins of that we were seperated into four different groups of around 6 and we all headed into different rooms for our speeches. Thankfully I got the nice looking lady instead of the staring man (I call him that because he kept staring at all of us when we were doing our warm up.)
Anyway so we went into this other big white room where the chairs had been set up into a square shape with a side clear at the back. We were told by the woman (Karen she was called) this was where we were to perform. First we were to do our Shakespeare (YES!) then either one of our others (ooooohhh big decision to make on which monologue to choose.) Thankfully I was neither first or last but second to last, always a good place to be in my opinion, not last so the pressure does not mount up too much but not forgotten at the beginning.
So four came before me, three boys and a girl. One of the lads was excellent at the Shakespeare, he seemed dead quiet when we were doing the small talk but boy he can act. The others were okay ish, not amazing but average.
Now my turn. I do it well. Not too over dramatic but enough to show that I am very moany and emotional.
Done. Not one cock up. I am very pleased with myself. Now have to decide which of the two monologues I want to do next. The Serpent from Back to Methuselah or Rachel from Port.
Next girl, also doing a monologue of Helena from A Midsummer Night's Dream but a different part to mine. Has her whole convocation with a chair, I think Hermia is meant to be sitting in the chair but to me she is talking to a chair, in Shakespearean.
Then we do a shake out and let ourselves relax a little. Have decided that I going to do the Serpent one. I'm kinda bored with the Port play so I need to give that one a rest, plus the Serpent one is a vast contrast to the Helena one.
Again we go in the same order. Another boy is brilliant with his contemporary with a monologue from the play Chatroom (defiantly googling at a later date.)
Now me, Knock it out of the bag. Good. Sit down. Done.
Other girls does her's, done. We are allowed to leave the room.
After entering the original white room the Head of Acting give a talk on what the course entails. I did kinda switch off at this point as I have heard this talk twice on both the open days I have attended.
He's done. We are allowed to leave.
I'll find out if I've got recalled within the next seven days apparently.

Now at home I need to get ready for my Audition tomorrow at the RCS which I am very nervous about because they do the recall stage tomorrow as well in the afternoon and I will be greatly disappointed if I don't get recalled tomorrow as I really do like RCS, it's up there with the best in my opinion.
But you know, what will happen will happen.
Anyhow, see ya,
Terri ;D


  1. Very interesting read thanks :-)
    Was this audition for the Foundation course or Diploma??
    I am an ABSOLUTE beginner & the thought of reading Shakespeare with emotion in a room full of people fills me with dread :-/
    I am looking at Foundation course to gain confidence & taught how to act as it is a case of now or never. Btw, I am 46 (sshhhh).
    Anyhows, good luck & did you get recall & accepted please?
    All the very best for your exciting future.

  2. Very interesting read thanks :-)
    Was this audition for the Foundation course or Diploma??
    I am an ABSOLUTE beginner & the thought of reading Shakespeare with emotion in a room full of people fills me with dread :-/
    I am looking at Foundation course to gain confidence & taught how to act as it is a case of now or never. Btw, I am 46 (sshhhh).
    Anyhows, good luck & did you get recall & accepted please?
    All the very best for your exciting future.


Tell me you're thought's about the post, everyone is free to chirp in ;D