Tuesday 28 January 2014

RADA Audition: Preperation

Why hello there again my little Minions,
Hope you are well.
So news, 1. I am stuck up at home being ill, 2. I have just less than 1 month until my RADA and National Youth Theatre audition's... EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK
And because I like to make thing's difficult for myself I have decided to learn two new Shakespeare pieces. One in the infamous Hamlet "To be or not to be" speech, and yes I am a girl and Hamlet is a male but I completely love it and it reminds me of my mum (don't ask, v. long story). And I have also chosen Puck's "My Mistress with a Monster is in love" from A Midsummer Night's Dream as I also love it and Puck is such a cocky shit bag which is rather fun to play.
Have been devouring the RADA website over the last few days to try and get as much information from there as possible because like many poor souls who what to live the acting dream, it is my first choice in Drama School.
If you want to know what I have being devouring then I will show you right...



(P.S I will also add this link onto my monologues page so that if you forget when I posted this you can access it easily from there.)

In terms of learning the new speeches I am doing quite well considering that I've had plenty of deadlines to role out work into. I think I'm half way with that.

Also with the National Youth Theatre I have absolutely no idea what monologue I am going to choose. I think that jus before it I am going to sit my parents down, perform all the monologues I know and then see what they think is best.
I am seriously hoping to get into the NYT this time round, probably more than I want to get into the majority of drama schools really as it looks like such a good platform to get agents and casting directors to notice someone.

Now due to the prescription my Doc has put me on because of this fricking bug I am quite drowsy so I am going to have to say...
Tatty bye folks,
Terri ;D

Monday 20 January 2014

12 Years A Slave Movie: Review

Why hello there.
Today is not my day, I can feel it in my bones. Especially because I am having to use my college laptop to write this and not my Mac, which incidentally I spilt a load of water on in the night and therefore is not working... Oppps. Thank fuck for warranties. But it looks like for the time being that I'm going to have to squint at the tiny screen and whack it every time it decides to freeze.
However I was not wanting to use this post as a general moan about my life. No.
Like I said many months ago as a potential actress it is important for me to see what is being produced in the industry at the mo. And with the Oscar season coming up boy are there some god dam good films to see right now!
So on Wednesday I went to see 12 Years A Slave with my dad.
If you are going to see it, a little bit of advice. Be prepared to be shocked. Because seriously, this film does not pretty up some of the horrific things that happened during the slave trading years.
With a full on all star cast it was bound to be good with the likes of Benedict Cumberbatch, Michael Fassbender showing off their extraordinary talent's.
The film takes you through the life of a black musician Samuel Northup when he is tricked into going from his home in New York to Washington where he is kidnapped and taken down south and sold into slavery.
The story is brutal, cruel, and a real eye opener into the lives of the black slaves during those times.
I loved it, the movie was superb. Simple yet effective.
I would completely recommend to anyone that you go see this movie, it is utterly brilliant and fingers crossed that they get plenty of Oscars as it really does deserve it.

I rate it 9.5/10.

In other news, RADA audition and National Youth Theatre is in a month!!! So excited and nervous for both.

But for now, cheerio
Terri ;D

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Oh help...

Hello there.
I am in trouble,
I fancy someone. And they have a beard.
And if that wasn't a clue enough yes it is a wo... I mean man.
I think their name is Ryan. Anyhow he is in my Maths Class and dam he is cute, and he suits the beard and dresses well.
But this means one thing, I am actually going to have to make an effort to attract said male. eeeuuuhhh. (That btw is the noise I make when someone tells me something that I really don't want to do.) Which also means that my friend's will notice my said effort and will dig until I tell them what is going and then boooyyyy will things get messy.
Oh joys.
Terri ;D

Monday 13 January 2014

OH MY...

(I did do a little fan girl scream when I saw the "Miss Me?" bit.)
Now when is the next series on?

Time to check Tumblr.
Terri ;D

#Sherlock #Moriartylives

Thursday 9 January 2014

A Mix of News Overall...

So today, as you might of guessed from the title has been what I would call a extreme mix of emotions day. So where do I start off.

The Bad News:
1. I have been rejected from MMU for this year. - Of course this is the most gutting news, especially since I received it on a bus therefore no where to run and cry in a corner. This may be a good thing as if I do want to be a Actor I need to grit my teeth and continue through the course of it all. But even the most hard hearted of us all would be a little gutted to be rejected from two of you're top three choices in one week. (Tip 7. Remember to space out favourite places to avoid this in future.) However I must carry on because I want it so bad.
2. It is that time of the month. - Yeah maybe this is too much information for you but it has not helped matters of the above by making me extra emotional then I would usually be.

The kinda in the middle news:
1. I got a D in my politics mock. - It's kinda bad because a D is not a brilliant grade to get in any A2 mocks. But then it's kind good because a) I really struggle with exams therefore this is a really good baseline for me and b) It is not a fail which is rather excellent.
2. I got my report on the dyslexic assessment that was carried out on me. - This is neither good or bad, it's just informative on how my brain works, which I have never understood and probably never fully will.

The Good News: :D
1. I got an A* in my Textiles mock, which I have to say I am immensely chuffed about this news. I have never got such a good grade in a mock before and I have to admit it took the pressure slightly off my thinking that I would be seriously struggling when we came up to April and May.
2. I have decided what I want to do for my Birthday (18th eeek!) I am going to on my Birthday have a Harry Potter Drinking Game with all my friends and have a Dominoes (which I can never afford therefore I am treating myself in the big event.) and THEN a week later I get to go to the Harry Potter Studios!!!!!!!!! I am so excited I cannot believe I will have that privilege of going to the halls which graced so many of our best actors.
3. My Drama Centre email has come through so I can now book the day of the audition. I have been looking forward to that audition as it is based within Central Saint Martins and it would be the ultimate thing to study along side all the arts students!

^So yeah, for a day of getting news it has been big. Fact.
I am now going to gloat at being a A* potential student and cheer myself up my buying loads of new books online after the rejections ;'( . But I do love a new book, which believe me is a rare thing for a Official dyslexic and dyspraxic student to say.

Now adios,
Terri ;D

Wednesday 8 January 2014

RCS: The Advice

Hey there again,
I just wanted to write this as a kinda P.S to my original post on my RCS audition and give you some advice if you are applying there this time round.
1. Don't be ill - You may laugh but the illness seemed to be my downfall yesterday. My advice would be for all prior auditions at least a week before the audition take extra care of yourself i.e. drink plenty of water and have eat fresh fruit and veg if and when you can.
2. Make sure all paper work is completed - As yesterday I didn't have a form filled in which everyone else had done online. Apparently it had come on the email we had been sent but on double checking mine I found it hidden between a lot of useless text in the email so I guess I had that going against me as well.
3. When it comes to the interview, be honest. But practice it. - You may be thinking "well how can an honest answer be practiced" believe me it can. Give yourself 20 mins writing down all the questions that you would ask if you were interviewing someone for a top drama school place. Ask for other people's advice and if you can't think of anything I would recommend using the Drama UK website as a basis of what they might ask.
4. Above all, know you're pieces and keep them fresh - Yeah it's brilliant if you can say both of you're monologues backwards in you're sleep but what is the point if they are as flat as paper. Keep the pace going with them by practicing in different places and colouring different words every so often just so it does not get boring.
5. Practice sight reading - If you end up being a lucky bugger and getting recalled then you will have to do some sight reading. My tips with sight reading would be to always have you're thumb in line with the line you are reading, therefore if you get lost then at least you have some idea of where you are in the piece. also make sure that you look up a minimum of three times when doing the sight reading so that you are telling a story to the audience (i.e. the panel.)

All I can say now is good luck and 6. ENJOY IT!
Terri ;D

RCS: The Audition

Hey dudes, Sup?
... Yeah never let me say that at the beginning of a post again.
So yesterday I had my RCS audition and I'm going to break the tension in telling you that I did not get recalled. I blame this mainly down to throwing up 20 mins prior to the initial audition and just feeling awfully ill for the majority of yesterday. It cannot be helped but I'm going to fill you in on all the details so you can have some knowledge on what to expect.
So I started my wonderful day at 5 o'clock in the morning (a time quite unknown to me) and was out by 6:30 (am - I'm not that slow.) To get my train to Glasgow.
Although feeling pretty ill at this point I did have a fabulous conversation with this 45 yr old man for an hour on Doctor Who, a conversation which was started btw with his ringtone of the Doctor Who theme tune (the David Tenant one of course, as all Whovians should know that the tune is changed slightly with every new doctor.)
Off train with an hour to kill, I head towards my second home. Costa. Ordered my favourite "a small soya cinnamon latte" and sat there and drank. 10 mins later queue vomitorium (and panic on whether capable of actually doing the audition.) I trudged on to the school.
Now the building itself is amazing, there's a definite magic about the place. Speaking of magic, I saw CHO CHANG (i.e. Harry Potter first lurve interest.) in a RCS classroom, training to be even better than she was in the franchise when we were on a tour of the building.
But back to the Audition. After going to two wrong reception desks I managed to get to the correct one and sign in. Already there were two girls there waiting. One of them was from Stockport and had auditioned at Manchester Met the day before like me... creepy. She was 19 and had bee recalled last year so she had high expectations of also being recalled again. The other was posh and from Windsor.
After ten mins of waiting two current first years showed us down to where we were going to be auditioned. As one girl hadn't turned up, I was to go first (gee thanks "not showing up girl", not.).
I was called in and saw one lady with a limp and an old man, who told me the running of the audition. They both were very nice. I had a glass of water before I started as my throat did not want to admit much sound.
I did both pieces in an average way. It was, to my standard not good enough, I already knew that. But I was not going to give up hope without a bloody good fight so I went head first into the interview.
I was asked the following questions:
1. You live in England, why do you want to train at the RCS?
2. How do you deal with you're dyslexia as an actor?
3. Why did you choose your Shakespeare piece?
4. What is the play Port about?
5. What are you doing at the moment?
All questions I answered well, maybe I could of modulated my answers better but overall it went ok. I was thanked and told that the list would be put up a 1:30 of all those they wanted to see at the recall. I then thanked them and left, then waited for the others to do theirs.
An hour wait, the tour (queue the sight seeing of Harry Potter cast members.) Then the list. I was not on it of course and it was slightly gutting but hey ho I would be back next year if I don't get offered anywhere else this time round.
A 4 hour wait then waited for me before I could get a train home back to Manchester. I filled it with yet another Costa (not a coffee, my stomach was not yet up for that.) a fashion magazine and looking at my options on where I was next applying and what different speeches I could do for the next one. (I did find a brilliant one in the character of Puck from A Midsummer Night's Dream that I am very keen to try out.) and thinking in general about the year awaiting me.
I don't mean for this post to sound depressing. I really enjoyed the audition and the school, I would love to study there. I just wished that I could of showed them my true potential and not to ill version of me, that's all.

And what have I learnt from my expedition up north. Not to loose hope. Shown to me by one pupil there who applied 5 times before being offered a place. If you want it you'll fight for it.

As for the next audition, that in late February (RADA eek) so I get a decent break from a madness of it all.
Until next time folks,
Terri ;D x

Monday 6 January 2014

Manchester Met: The Audition!

Hey guys.
So today I've just done my initial audition for Manchester Met (or actually Manchester School of Theatre). It was rather fun and I deffinatley would not mind getting a recall there.
So now I'm just going to have to tell you how the day went.
After being woken up at ridiclous times by family members this morning wishing me good luck I ended up waking fully at 10:45, giving me only 20 mins before I had to get the bus (Dun dun duuuuuuun). After shaking my cats off I peged it off out and just managed to run like Forest Gump to catch the bus and get on the train. Hair and Make up done on the train I stepped out of the station to find tyrancial rain and wind. Brilliant the second bad omen of the day.
Still I plodded on to the University (I'm so glad that I live in Manchester and know my way round quite well or I probbably would of got so confused and lost.) And had plenty of time to nip and get some water and chocolate from the local Tesco and answer another call from my mum, wishing me again good luck - making me feel like I needed it -  as I headed to the school.
Now my only negative comment about the school is that it reminds me of my old high school with the low celings and weird spaces. I registred and went into the room where I was directed into and saw about twenty other young shaking individuals. Thankfully unlike my Guildhall audition there were more guys then girls and there were not many my age.
Finnaly after many minitues of small talk we were ushered into a large white drama room where we were introduced to the people conducting the audition.
We started with a warm up which I found pretty intense after such a lazy holiday season, but thankfully so did many others by the looks of it so I didnt feel too bad. After about 30 mins of that we were seperated into four different groups of around 6 and we all headed into different rooms for our speeches. Thankfully I got the nice looking lady instead of the staring man (I call him that because he kept staring at all of us when we were doing our warm up.)
Anyway so we went into this other big white room where the chairs had been set up into a square shape with a side clear at the back. We were told by the woman (Karen she was called) this was where we were to perform. First we were to do our Shakespeare (YES!) then either one of our others (ooooohhh big decision to make on which monologue to choose.) Thankfully I was neither first or last but second to last, always a good place to be in my opinion, not last so the pressure does not mount up too much but not forgotten at the beginning.
So four came before me, three boys and a girl. One of the lads was excellent at the Shakespeare, he seemed dead quiet when we were doing the small talk but boy he can act. The others were okay ish, not amazing but average.
Now my turn. I do it well. Not too over dramatic but enough to show that I am very moany and emotional.
Done. Not one cock up. I am very pleased with myself. Now have to decide which of the two monologues I want to do next. The Serpent from Back to Methuselah or Rachel from Port.
Next girl, also doing a monologue of Helena from A Midsummer Night's Dream but a different part to mine. Has her whole convocation with a chair, I think Hermia is meant to be sitting in the chair but to me she is talking to a chair, in Shakespearean.
Then we do a shake out and let ourselves relax a little. Have decided that I going to do the Serpent one. I'm kinda bored with the Port play so I need to give that one a rest, plus the Serpent one is a vast contrast to the Helena one.
Again we go in the same order. Another boy is brilliant with his contemporary with a monologue from the play Chatroom (defiantly googling at a later date.)
Now me, Knock it out of the bag. Good. Sit down. Done.
Other girls does her's, done. We are allowed to leave the room.
After entering the original white room the Head of Acting give a talk on what the course entails. I did kinda switch off at this point as I have heard this talk twice on both the open days I have attended.
He's done. We are allowed to leave.
I'll find out if I've got recalled within the next seven days apparently.

Now at home I need to get ready for my Audition tomorrow at the RCS which I am very nervous about because they do the recall stage tomorrow as well in the afternoon and I will be greatly disappointed if I don't get recalled tomorrow as I really do like RCS, it's up there with the best in my opinion.
But you know, what will happen will happen.
Anyhow, see ya,
Terri ;D

Manchester Met Audition: Night Before Nerves...

Soooooooo, I've got my Manchester Met Drama School audition tomorrow.
Not because I'm not prepared.  But because I'm so prepared that I now have nothing else to do except do it. (Queue "Like a virgin", thanks Mdna.)
Here I am, sat in bed. Shaking like Shakira's hips. And no not in the "perfecto" way she does.
I am now sick of my pieces after practicing them so many times so there ain't no way I'll be doing them again until tomorrow.
Need to sleep, yet cannot. Need to drink, yet cba going to get one.
Very glad that the audition is in the afternoon, means I get a decent lie in while everyone else my age has to go to college at ridiculous o'clock in the morrow.
Right, I've decided what to do. I will keep on reading blogs and eat chocolate until I fall asleep out of boredom.
Wish me luck! (For the Audition, not the blog reading.)
Terri ;D x

Thursday 2 January 2014

2014... shit.

Hello people.
So after partially recovering from New Years Eve and THAT Sherlock episode. Skip that, have NOT recovered from that Sherlock episode, espesh the Molly and Moriarty snog with Sherlock. Plus the hair ruffle... #dies
I have realised something, we are in 2014. Now the year itself is not shocking (except from the fact that scientists have only ONE YEAR to make the hover skateboard we all saw in Back to the Future...) It is the fact that I have all my final A level exams in 5/6 months and - with that - the end of my academic education... WOW that is weird.
(Why am I using so many capital letters?)
This will mean that in the year 2014 will mark the end of 14 years in the education system, and may I ask. What have I learnt? Not much really except many useless things and facts.
What is also shocking is that I have approximately three days to prepare for my two auditions which I have next week. Although saying this I am at an excitable calm level at the moment. Mainly because I know the monologues, I know the characters and I know the stories very well. What I didn't know at the beginning of today was that I had not posted off my practical reference to the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland; and the audition is on Tuesday. This therefore lead me to have a half an hour panic in trying to find the reference, find an envelope plus stamp then send it off to them. (Fingers crossed that I have written down the address correctly.)
Once that shenanigans was over I started practicing the pieces over and over until I had them just right.
All I need to do now is sort out my time table and the clothes I'm going to wear but basically, I'm sorted.
Can't say that about the rest of my life but hey ho whatevs sister.
See ya xoxoxoxox (god I feel like I'm in bloody gossip girl doing the xox thang.)
Terri ;D