Hello there thespians.
Now I guess that this is sort of off topic but if I don't get these thoughts out of my brain then I may explode with it all.
So a few weeks ago a guy in my maths class asked me out on a date to the cinema, and at first I was like urrm maybe after the exams. But then my mates were like "yeah you should totally go out with him" e.c.t. e.c.t.
So that made me really think, Do I want to go out with this guy? Because in the past I have had some very bad relationships and I haven't dated for the last two years because one went very, very messy and knocked all my confidence away. Im not saying I shouldn't go out with a guy because of what some other knob did, it's just much harder to get back into the dating things when you have been out of it for so long.
Also Im sort of getting over someone, I mean we weren't going out but we were very close and I foolishly blew it with my lack of tact and also I didn't know how much I loved him until he was gone...
So I don't want to jump into something that I don't totally have my heart set on. So I said no to the guy who asked me out. Even though he has the most BEAUTIFUL speaking voice I have ever heard I think it would be wrong of me to date him at the mo.
I am now going to bugger off and watch some rom-com's.
Cheerio Terri ;D
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