Sunday, 31 March 2013

So you want to be an actor reveiw

Happy Easter everyone! Hope that you all got pleanty of easter eggs and rest, and watched Doctor Who!
I do appologise for not writing in a while, I had the misfortune to catch a stomach bug on my birthday so I've spent the majority of the weekend throwing up in a bucket and feeling sorry for myself as I couldn't eat any easter eggs :(
Anyway I got both the books that I was talking about but for this post only I'm going to discuss the first one, "So you want to be an Actor".
Firstly this book covers Everything, if you have a query about something then this book will probably cover it. From Agents to Charity work and union fees - there are an awful lot of expenses - to Uni vs Drama School it's all breifly talked about.
I say breif as it dosen't go into too much detail on everything, except perhaps the use of language and it's different forms such as PR and phrasing, which was very interesting yet slightly off topic.
One of the only small faults with this book is that it is a bit out of date when it comes the Drama School fees (written in 2005 it was an awful lot cheaper to go.) So if you do buy the book bear this in mind as in the UK the majority of Drama Schools charge the full £9,000.
However the writing style is a delight and kept me interested throughout. Written by one of the industry's biggest star husband and wife acts (Timothy West and his wife) it flips from one to the other - different font styles are used to show who's writing, - this as a reader allows you to see an insight into their carrers and gain knowledge from it.

I really enjoyed reading the book and if you are serious about acting then it truly opens your eyes to it all and is well worth the £5 I spent buying it.
Cherrio then Terri ;D

P.S Wreck it Ralph WAS SO GOOD! I can't belive that I didn't go see it before that!
Now bye :D

Thursday, 28 March 2013


WOOH I'm 17!
^i.e the most awkward age where you can't drink alcohol  but you can't go play in the park anymore :(
To celebrate this wonderful coming of age ish I have bought two book off Waterstones Marketplace (I don't use amazon anymore as they don't pay our goverment enough tax - tut tut tut - and I think it's better to buy old books as it reduces C02 emmitions.)
Anyway the books are on helping you get into Drama school - So you want to go to Drama School - and another one on getting into the industry - So you want to be an actor - both books are published by Nick Hern if you are interested in reading them. (I'll reveiw them and say what I think of them on here when I recive them :D ) and you can also preveiw them if you have iBooks to see the jist of them if you like.
Well I'm about to pop into Manchester and watch Wreck it Ralph
Adios Amigos
Terri ;D

P.S the links are here:
- So you want to go to drama school?
-So you want to be an actor?

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

LAMDA exam time... :S

So after a month of waiting I've found out when my Gold LAMDA exam is, apparently its next Thursday at 3:00 in Manchester.
I'm very glad that it's in the afternoon as it means that I don't have to get up at a ridiculous time to be there on time. For the exam I'm doing 3 pieces (Plus learning a shit load of theory) which are:

  1. Margaritae Sorori - William Ernest Henley
  2. Sonnet 130 - Shakespeare (Obv's as who else would write over 150 sonnets for fun)
  3. An extract for the Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini
Although they isn't a huge contrast between the pieces they are really interesting and beautiful to preform + doing LAMDA exams are brownie points for uni applications so I'm told.
(BTW if anyone reading  is also going to their exam on that date then GOOD LUCK!)
 Now I've got to go and write the pieces up... JOY
 See ya Terri ;D

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Olivier Nominations...

Now I don't know about anyone else but if I am ever lucky enough to become an actress then I wouldn't mind being nominated for an Olivier because as most people know that they are the Oscars of theatre, so naturally I have always being interested in who gets them (the page below has a link to the list if you are also interested.)
To me I see the people who do get an award as someone to look up to in wanting to achieve the same recognition in the future.
But Ive got to go now and revise for my LAMDA exam if I want to get anywhere in life...
Cherrio for now
Terri ;D

Curious Incident leads Olivier nominations | Official London Theatre

HARDtalk - Jonathan Miller interveiw

Hi there dudes.
So this morning I was casually browsing through twitter when I saw a post by Ewan McGregor saying that James McAvoy had been talked about on HARDtalk saying that celebrities shouldn't be in the theatre. Well as I discovered it was an interview of Jonathan Miller, one of the most prestigious Directors of our time and I thought that you guys might want to watch it so...

Tadarrrr!!! (jazz hands)

Have fun watching it,
Terri ;D x

Monday, 25 March 2013

Jack the hot giant slayer

Hello there, long (ish) time no see.
I would like to inform you that I have been looking up what Drama schools desire to see in its pupils when they audition for them. One aspect includes a passion for their subject shown by going to plays/  cinema and being critical about its actors and what aspects you enjoyed about it e.c.t. Sooo ladies and gents (and fesbians ;) ) I have done just that by getting up reaaalllly early to go to the cinema in manchester and watch Jack the Giant Slayer staring Nicholas Holt and Ewan Mcgregor.
 Now I wont try and spoil it for anyone whom is going to see it but let me put this out there... The plot is really really really PREDICTABLE. > Which to be fair to the producers it might have been a bit arkward if they had killed Jack off after 20 mins just to spice it up a bit. Speaking of Jack I must admit that Nicholas Holt was the main attraction for me seeing this film, both in the physical sense and because I do think that he is a good actor - check out Warm Bodies and X men first class also if you want to see more of this lad in action. - He suited the part except that he could never be rugged as his voice is just too perfect yet he was perfectly hamsome and charming like any true hero should be. All other parts were played well apart from the woman who plays Issobel, mainly because I couldn't quite belive her proformance, for me she lacks belivablity (if that is a word?)
Anyhow do go see it as it is worth its money to watch considering how marvelous the special effects are and the big names involved in the production.
Until next time folks
Terri ;D x

Sunday, 24 March 2013

More info on the reasons for setting up this blog:

So I'm guessing that my first post didn't really explain a lot (sorry for that I was in a bit of a haze at the time) about why I'm setting up this blog. 
However I am about to now... :
  • Firstly its only recently that I've realised that I want to become an actress (Before it was a toss up between the latter, an MP or a Nun - As I thought that Nuns were all backing singers who were trying to get on the good side of Maggie Smith but apparently not - So Im glad that the final desision came down to acting.)
  • Also I'm going to be applying to Uni/drama school later this year so Im looking for advice on which ones are the best (bearing in mind that I am dyslexic so if anyone has any knowledge on the extra support facilities would be great). Plus what sort of preperation do I need to do for the auditions/ futher events.
  • I want to find out what I'm throwing myself into.
So taking in the above I might also let you know that in Feb I auditioned for the National Youth theatre for their summer course as I've heard that they have a very good reputation in training teenagers (btw I would recomend every aspiring actor to audition for it, disregarding the expense as I got to meet some amazing teens who were just as passionate as me for the art.) so apparently I should be getting the results for it soon ( only 1/10 get a place so it's deffo a tough cookie... And I dont even like cookies).
 Also have got my Gold LAMDA examination in about a week in Manchester so fingers cross that it goes well.

BTW if you have just read all that and havent got bored then WOW you have got some abnormal concentration powers...
Love Terri ;D x

Hello World Deary

Okay... This is probably one of the weirdest things that I've ever done so far in my life.
        ^And this is coming from me :S
Basically I am a 16 - nearly 17 - year old female who prays that someday to be a professional actress. Except, I don't know how I am going to do it.

I think the main problem is that my family aren't that supportive with my desire for the stage, as a hobby fine but job... Not so much.

So this is my plea, if anyone is in the same boat as me or has any knowledge about the industry I'm going to be heading into then leave a comment or anything really.
Thank you Terri ;D
P.S. I'm dyslexic so I do apologise if I've spelt anything wrong. x